
Showing posts from June, 2020

Create Your First Website ( from Scratch )

Create your first website from scratch (for beginners) To give you a proper intuition on how to create a simple website let's dive-in and create a TO-DO List web-app. Programming/Scripting Languages used -  We will use HTML and CSS to create front-end and Php with MySQL in back-end of the web-app. We will perform basic CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in this web-app.   Tools used - 1 .  Xampp  - Xampp is an open-source software that provides Apache Server, MySQL database and Php in a single package. There's no need to install ans setup these things seperately. Xampp provides all these technologies in one wrapper.   2. VS-code editor -                                                      VS-code editor is a very popular and light-weighted free editor for programming, it supports various programming languages and plugins for the same.  Setup and Configure tools - 1. Install XAMPP - Visit the website (  ) download and inst

A Road-Map to Web-Development (for begginers)

As a newbie computer-science/IT student you may get fascinated and confused by the term web-development. There are many terms and doubts that revolve around the mind regarding how and from where to learn web-development and what technologies one must learn to create websites or to be a web-developer. What is Web-Development ? Let me give you a very brief definition of web-developement : "Web-developement is creating websites, whether it is a short portfolio website or a big e-commerce website". A website is generally designed in two main sections : 1. Front-end : Front-end of the website is actually what you see in a website, and to what you interacts in a website. All the images, text, buttons, animations, etc. that you see in a website are parts of front-end of a website. Languages/Technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript are used to create front-end of a website. Front-end is also called 'client-side' of the website. 2. Back-end : Back-end of a website is just oppos